Monday, March 5, 2012

A new beginning

My niece and my daughter are moving! My niece is purchasing her first house and I'm certain she will make it a most beautiful and inviting home. She will fill it with love and treasures that make her heart happy and that makes me happy. My daughter is moving just down the street from her current abode. The new apartment is a compilation of things she adores - a balcony, a pool, a bay view, and security. She is most excited about starting fresh and that makes me happy.

A new beginning doesn't need to start by uprooting your living arrangement, but sometimes that is just what the doctor ordered. A new beginning can simply be a change! We are certainly creatures of habit. We tend to fall into many repititious rituals that can lead to ruts. Eventually, we wear ourselves ragged trying to dig our way out of those ruts. It only takes a 'new beginning'!

Change the way you go to work. Change the store you shop in. Take a walk instead of watching tv. Visit with a friend at lunch. Eat an apple instead of pizza. A new beginning takes the tiniest of efforts and yet, can yield incredible results. I wish for all of you today, a new beginning. Whether it is your health, your environment, your spirit, your job. Today . . . is a new beginning.

Begin something new!

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