Friday, March 16, 2012

Sail On!

In combining a couple of friends and their posts or current turmoil, today is about sailing your ships! One dear friend commented that sometimes the ocean can be brutal and chaotic. Other times it can be peaceful. But she has learned that, no matter what and after every storm . . . the ocean is still absolutely beautiful! Another sweet soul that I adore is a little concerned about his current job and where things may lead. Sail on, my friend!

If we are lucky, we are docked and tied up nicely when those storms of life come rushing through. Sometimes, even docked, our boats are battered and abused. But the storm does end! There are times, however, when we are caught, off guard, at sea during those storms. We are tossed about, scattered, forced to enter unchartered territory. That is NOT a bad thing. It is, quite possibly, those unchartered territories that hold the treasures we are seeking. An unknown port, a new location, heck . . . a whole new boat is sometimes just what we need to continue our travels.

Sail on, my friends . . . to new, beautiful, and unknown beaches and shores and friends and opportunities. Your future awaits and is as close as the fresh breeze that hits your sails. Sail on!


  1. lyn - i knew this would be good for me to read, and i was right. thank you.

    1. so happy to hear it! i hope the wind is at your back and your travels are smooth!
