Monday, February 13, 2012

Love You Forever

There is a children's book, written by Robert Munsch, that I instantly fell in love with when someone gave it as a gift when I had Deanna. I strongly believe in reading to children, and this book just turned in to one of my favorites! My other favorite thing, having grown up in a very musical family, is that music has amazing effects on the mind and therefore . . . for better or worse . . . I used to sing to my children all the time, too. And so it goes that I sang this book to my children time and time and time again!

If you've never read this book, whether you have children or not, go get it! It truly transcends time and generations. It's beautiful! And there are times when, even now, when my 'baby' is 19, that I will break out into the tune from the book:

"I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be."

I won't ruin the book, for those of you unfamiliar with it, but I truly cherish its simple story and the values that it teaches. I know, from my own perspective, that this book is as true as can be. It touches me more deeply now than it did those many years ago when my babies were truly babies. I wish this story for all of you . . .

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