Saturday, February 25, 2012

Juggling and Hope

In an attempt to juggle so many things every day; life can sometimes feel just a tiny bit overwhelming. (Did you sense the sarcasm there?) I am no different than most folks, but let's observe the few items I, myself, am currently attempting to keep aloft!

House & home; bills; two children trying to make adult decisions; nieces and nephews, as dear to my heart as my own children, with life decisions in the process; step-dad in and out of rehab and the hospital; conflicted hubby; aging dog; diet & exercise; massive fundraising project for All Children's Hospital; print and graphic work for nearly every aspect of that project; brothers; finding sponsors and donors for that project; food and liquor vendors for that project; visiting relatives; being a good reference for several friends' projects; staying in touch with folks I truly don't want to fall out of touch with; remembering to support those who have always supported me; contemplating fundraising for friends with medical needs; remembering to send birthday & anniversary cards out on time (everyone deserves their due recognition); just a moment or two for me; and time for prayer and faith. There's probably a couple things I left off, but I'm not perfect!

What keeps me going, besides my mom's blessings of sheer grit, determination, and a never-give-up attitude, is knowing that most of these 'balls' that I'm juggling will bounce! Sometimes, even, I can actually put one down for a moment and concentrate on others. Juggling also requires a bit of calculated judgement. If I was transfixed equally on all my projects and people, I might literally implode. I, along with each of you, need to remember that. And no matter what I'm currently juggling, I always needs to stand on hope!

Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible!

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