Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Good, The Bad, and the Bold!

Billy Graham once said, "Comfort and prosperity have never enriched the world as adversity has done."

Truer words could not be said! Think back through your life when you have faced strife and troubles and doubt. If you're still around, it is because you rose to the occasion and chose to fight through those hard times and become stronger; defying the odds and the circumstances. That perseverance and fortitude brought you beyond your situation; in whatever methods it took. Some folks write through their troubles. Some create songs. Some invent. Some enlighten. Some stories of overcoming create historical moments on which others can lean and learn.

Do not be broken by what lies in your path. Create a bridge; dig a tunnel; run around it; or plow straight through it. Your adversity holds within it a bigger, better, stronger, more vibrant you!

Mr. Graham went on to say, "Out of suffering and tears have come the greatest spirits and the most blessed lives." I wish you great spirit and many blessings!

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