Thursday, February 2, 2012

Pick a Brother . . .

With all the brothers' birthdays just passed or on their way, I am whisked away to yesterdays and silly memories. Take a trip with me . . .

To renting out the hall in Stone Ridge so all the boys could have their parties together. THAT was a recipe for large gatherings ~ like 30 to 50 kids! I remember playing the shoe game where everyone took off their shoes and the parents made a giant pile in the middle of the facility. And, by giant, I mean like literally three to four feet deep in sneakers ~ or so it seemed to a little sister. Then we had to all line up around the perimeter of the room. At the sound of "Go!" we all raced toward the shoe pile and you had to, first of all, find your shoes, and then you had to put them on and tie them up. First one done won a prize. It was craziness. Some kids had the same style of shoes but when they got back to their spot to put them on, they realized the shoe they grabbed was four sizes too big or too small. There were knocked heads as kids dove into the pile and there was scratching and clawing and just plain silliness.

I remember simple fun like musical chairs and just dancing to music. I remember giant games of tag and always . . . tons and tons of food! As I look back, I am somewhat melancholy about those times. I don't think they'll ever be enjoyed again like that. I would love to have another big party and rent out that same hall and invite all my brother's friends and shower my brothers with festivities and family. How much fun would that be? Not many families can pull off a feat of that magnitude . . . then or now. I will simply hold tight to my memories of the union, the togetherness, the simple times, and the laughter. I love you all.  Happy Birthday to each one of you!

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