Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Greatest of These is Love!

Firstly, happiest of birthdays to my brothers Cal and Dan. Both born on Valentine's Day, but two years apart. Extraordinary circumstances. Extraordinary men.

And now . . . these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
                                                                                    ~ 1 Corinthians 13:13

On this Valentine's Day, remember to have faith that your soul mate awaits you ~ if you haven't already found him/her. Hope, please, that you have the intelligence, humility, and tenacity to follow that faith and reach for that happiness. And, when you have found that faith and hoped for its success . . . the end result is love!

Faith is the process through which we move to find another soul. We may have our hearts broken; but faith is in the sharing it again. We may have our feelings hurt; but faith is in the gathering up of them and offering them to someone else. Faith is strength to try again!

Hope is the labyrinth through which we traverse to 'get to the cheese'. Hope is in our actions, in our speech, in our hearts. Hope is the offering up of ourselves in the faith that our counterpart is doing the same thing. Hope is humble pie we eat when apologizing. Hope is the persistence of pursuit. Hope is following your heart.

But the greatest of these . . . is love!

It is the gift beyond your faith and at the edge of hope. It lies within the soul of your partner for whom you solely hold the key. Faith is an amazing tool of strength. Hope is that lifeboat that leads you to the shore. And love is that warmth that fills you when you stand within the presence of the heart that beats in synchronicity with yours.

When all else fails, these three remain: faith, hope, and love.

But the greatest of these . . . is love!

Today . . . I wish you all of these and more; but mostly . . . love!

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