Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ah, Ignorance!

Firstly, Happy Birthday brother Jim! Enjoy the day! Hope it's everything you would like it to be. Love ya bunches!

And now, down to business . . .

Sometimes, it is very difficult to stay positive. When I was younger, I wanted to dance. I took tap, jazz, ballet, modern dance, and gymnastics for many years before finally deciding on gymnastics. It was super to have all that background, but my body is just best suited for gymnastics. But, I had a loud voice telling me that I could never do any fo it - for one reason or another. Thank goodness I ignored that voice!

I moved a thousand miles from home with my boyfriend. He turned out to NOT be such a good idea. I decided to stay put and not run home. It was hard and there the 'X' was telling me I couldn't do it. Thank goodness I ignored him! I would have never met my husband if I listened to the overbearing, booming voice of self-contrived intelligence.

Folks were awfully mean to my boy who had ballooned from steroids. They never thought to inquire about WHY he might be heavy; only pursued a constant barrage of insults and hurtful actions because they believed that they knew best. I wrote to alleviate my stresses and to try to open their eyes a little. They said, I'd never get published. Again, I'm thankful for ignoring them. My message has been heard by hundreds and if it changed just one opine ~ then that is fantastic!

Taxes, religion, and politics are the other platforms where folks tend to talk louder and louder to be 'righter'. It makes no sense. It is not about bullying tactics, or booming your opinions through whatever mediums you're able. I may not agree with you . . . and that is ok. I don't have to. I'm not going to argue with you til you agree with me. That's ludicrous! But I am certainly not going to listen to your rhetoric with any feigned interest if all you're going to do is bad-mouth, yell, and intimidate. That earns you no points and makes less sense than what you're saying!

Each view point is an opinion. Equal and earnest! Don't tell me I don't know something or I'm wrong ~ because it opposes your view point. Man up and realize that the louder you scream, the less folks listen. Ignorance - in this case - truly is bliss. I choose to ignore the rantings and ravings of the crude and the crass. Shovel your shiznit somewhere else!

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