Friday, February 10, 2012


In speaking with a business-woman yesterday, in regard to the All Children's Hospital project that I'm working on, she revealed that she was 'in the weeds'. That's a restaurant term I learned while working for my husband some 20+ years ago, that means you are very overwhelmed with all the obligations that are requiring a little piece of you.

I tried to divert the conversation a little and get her to decompress a little, but there was obviously a ton of stuff on her plate and she was just trying to get all her ducks in a row before mowing 'em down! I expressed to her that I appreciate her efforts on behalf of the children, in hopes that she might at least feel good about her tiny obligations toward our group. That didn't help either.

So, I asked her outright, if she wanted to quit. She said, "I can't leave my bosses in that predicament." Obviously, this person is outstanding! Working through myriads of time lines and pressures and still dedicated to those folks who employ her. What she said next, truly hit a chord with me. I decided right then and there, that I truly adore this woman! She's my kind of person and I just admire and respect the bejeepers out of her.

She said, "When I really get too stressed out, I will take my break, walk to the park across the way and swing. I revive my inner 3-year old." And that was my little life lesson for yesterday that I hope I can remember when I'm feeling a little pressured and overwhelmed. What a fabulous outlook. I think that if a few more of us took her advice, the world might be a little more pleasant. Now, I know, the swingset is not everyone's favorite. Perhaps you'd rather hit the merry-go-round, or the slide, or perhaps just run through a sprinkler. What freedom of joy could be found if only we all 'revived our inner 3-year old'.

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