Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I am a most pliable human being. I adapt well and quickly to change. I can be taught to be molded into almost anything that's necessary. I have altered my speech for jobs, using "Ya'll" instead of "You Guys" when hostessing in the south. I learned to use my mouse with my left hand instead of my right cause the boss was left handed. I learned to drive a stick because that's the only car I could afford at the time. I taught myself how to create a web site. I have learned to become many things I never, in any of my wildest dreams, I ever thought I might be. I've absorbed much useful vocabulary but understand that the elbow is still the most potent form of attention! I adored my UPS job where, of course I did NOT do counter work. I loaded and unloaded all the trucks and tractor trailers. I've risen above whatever is wrong with my ears and continue to work out - even if it's in alterior ways. As much as I'm so much more comfortable around guys, I'm working on my estrogen skills every day! And, I have found that I can be a powerful instrument for a much grander purpose, should I allow that opportunity to flow through me.

We ALL have these abilities. We are all moldable, pliable, bendable, teachable, expandable, contractable, . . . capable!!! You can do whatever you put your mind to. You simply need to overcome your worst hurdle - which is self doubt! Remove that, which isn't easy, and you can achieve anything. You're Gumby dammit!


  1. Well I didn't work at UPS but I worked at a drive thru liquor store and carried multiple cases if long neck beer to guys in cars in college. It was fun and I was in good shape! I am Gumby too damnit
