Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Bountiful Blessings

Since yesterday was happy for hurdles, today I will be thankful for my bountiful blessings!

Whether it has changed since my childhood or not, I am thankful for the blessing of six brothers! There was never a shortage of someone to play with. Games of tag were endless! Bike riding was a constant tour-de-Mountain Road. There was always someone to cheer on at little league and someone to cheer me on at gymnastics. There was a constant entire row filled up at dance recitals - whether they wanted to be there or not. My childhood was a blur of constant and crazy activity. I loved it!

Although the extended family of aunt and uncles didn't work out too well so many years later, it sure made for fabulous holiday dinners. There was always laughter at the table and beyond. There are marvelous memories of The Dictionary Game and musical madness!

To have been blessed by incredible teachers, friends and coaches as a youngster, is a gift. To still be in touch with a few is just a joyous heavenly endowment! These folks offered solace from struggle, guidance, love of education, support, and friendship. I just cherish them to pieces - and am thankful for them.

I was heartbroken by boyfriend #1, but would never have realized my love of working out and weight training had that not occurred. Devastated by boyfriend #2 - both emotionally and financially - my forced second job introduced me to my husband! And, as much as I adore New York, I was granted the pleasure of living in Georgia and now Florida. Each has special qualities and I am privileged to have experienced them.

To have been blessed with two incredibly beautiful children is more than one could ask for. Even with their health struggles, the repercussions have been exponentially fabulous. The folks and friends of All Children's Hospital and The Children's Dream Fund are forever inked upon our hearts. They have been not only blessings, but angels here on earth. I could not have survived some of those early storms without them! More so, now that these two babies of mine have become real adults . . . gifted, gracious, philanthropic, loving, caring, generous, and genuine . . . it is simply icing on the cake!

Although I am still tormented by memories of my mom's final breath, I am honored and privileged to have been there to see her through to the other side. It was truly one of the hardest things I've ever done, but I was blessed to be bedside, holding her hand, and talking to her all night long. What an honor to have and a memory to own.

I could write for hours and hours about my blessings. They far outnumber my hurdles! I am blissful knowing my time here has had many more positives than negatives and that even those negatives brought about beautiful, wonderful things. I am thankful for my bountiful blessings!

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