Friday, November 16, 2012


I happened upon a post yesterday where someone seemed quite angry at God for 'not answering prayers'.

First, I felt badly for the person because, really, God rarely answers our prayers exactly how we're asking for them. He brings us to our needs via his path and on his time. Sometimes, the answers are not what we want, but they are ALWAYS what we need.

Second, two quick quotes that may make a difference to a person stuck at tangible-only results:
The tragedy in life doesn't lie in not reaching your goals. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach. (B. Mays).
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. (W. Churchill)

These quotes may not apply directly to the aforementioned poster, but rather to all of us. There is much to learn from them. We must have a vision and do what we're able to do to get there. Should you fall short, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, learn from your errors, and continue on your way. No matter what you've been served, you will ALWAYS have the strength within you to continue.

I hope that this person finds some peace and finds vision enough to see what beautiful things God has placed in his path that he might be overlooking. Sometimes the best gifts are ones we don't even realize we've received!