Saturday, November 17, 2012

Nuff said!

No quotes.
No paraphrasing.
No lyrics.

Today, I will simply offer to you my self.

I talked with someone who was a little sad because there would be no commercial Christmas at his house. His family is not destitute. They are simply paying off bills and will focus on the more spiritual side of the holiday. Not a bad idea.

Still, in attempting to console him, I taught myself a lesson.
I said to him, "Go volunteer. Feed the homeless. Help organize and/or wrap presents at a hospital. Bake treats and bring them to veterans or an assisted living facility."
And then . . . the words just popped out . . .
I said to him, "the best present you could ever get or give is your self."

Nuff said!


  1. Amen!!! The best cure to depression---go help another one in need. Daily we have opportunities to show God's love instead of focusing on our self, our situation, our hurt, etc. Christmas is about a beautiful gift (Jesus) given to God's creation. It is about the Father's love. Yet his Love Letter (the Bible) is rejected or distorted for selfish gain. I pray this Christmas is the best ever for that sad soul and for every soul. And the true meaning of Christmas will burn brightly in our hearts. I pray the gift of giving is a daily habit and not just a seasonal one. May those who are hurting and lost see the love of Christ through God's children. And no matter what our circumstances, that light, love, hope would grow daily in our lives. I pray we would stop our complaining and murmuring and be grateful for the gift of life and health. May it begin with me today. God Bless all those who volunteer, feed the homeless and the poor, help the sick and elderly, etc., etc., etc., etc. God Bless America, home of the free.

  2. How absolutely profound and beautiful! Thank you! God bless you, as well! <3
