Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today is a wonderful day of giving thanks, of family, friends, faith, food, and football! Today is a day filled with memories and mayhem . . . all good!

I remember Thanksgivings where not a tree on the property lacked a dog tied to it. Too many cars for the driveway . . . or yard . . . so we just took over Mountain Road or Stone Ridge. I remember tons of people at our house or at my grandmother's house. It was wonderful. Although my Thanksgiving this year will be much smaller than those, it will envelope my favorite people . . . my husband and my children and those important to them. And I will be cooking . . . another one of my favorite things!

As I begin my 'Thankful' series, I first give all the glory to God. He has allowed me to survive life as it's been tossed at me and to wake up for this fabulous day before me. I thank Him for the opportunities I've been given and the blessings I've been graced with.

Today, though, thanks goes out to my mom! The maker of me! The shaper of who I am. The teacher of my ethics, my morals, my behavior, my heart. She gave of herself constantly, and without condition ~ a trait I am constantly trying to emulate. She lived her life to provide for her children and gave her children everything she was made of. She was a tireless, gracious, wonderful person who did not thrive on being our friend . . . but instead was our parent. She built boundaries and expectations and when we strayed . . . we were literally sprayed by the kitchen sink sprayer! She became our friend when we were adults and she was the best friend ever. She listened, consoled, comforted, ranted, and cheered us on. She schemed with us, dreamed with us, and did whatever she could to open every door available to us.

I don't really ever remember her being sad. She maintained a positive attitude about anything and everything. She surely was irate at times and that is where we learned, "If momma ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy!" You just learned to stay out of her line of vision . . . and throwing! She was determined, dedicated, driven, and divine! She found a way to make things work and if you made her mad . . . you better watch your arse. She was extraordinarily sweet . . . until it was time to NOT be sweet (another favorite teaching of hers).

She was just an amazing woman, with much to offer, taken WAY too soon. I am thankful that I grew up with her, that I was blessed with her as a mom, that I was able to play with her so often, that I was graced with the opportunity to hold her hand while she passed on to better days, and I am thankful that she will always sit at my Thanksgiving table . . . and every chair next to me. Miss you mom!

Be thankful for who you have with you today. I am thankful for you!

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