Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Shifting Gears

For a few days, I've been wanting to vent here about a few arrogant souls who have been irritating the snot out of me! Those few folks who believe that their opinions are right and anyone who opposes said opinions are stupid, insignificant, misinformed, or unintelligent.

Any of you who have read my blog for even just a few days know that I am about the positive. I abhor the negative and what it does to people . . . including, sadly, me. I try to keep my sights focused on the good in people and I really do pray for those souls who are so very tortured that they find it necessary to belittle others. Sometimes, when my visibility is impaired, like as of late, I try not to react, but rather wait for a little sign of something brighter.

Last night . . . a beacon like no other!

Instead of moping and venting this morning about folks I cannot fix, I will instead shift gears and steer toward the kinds of people that I met with last night. My Ch-Angels . . . The All Children's Hospital Guild North Pinellas Branch! I know that when we help others, we are doing ourselves a tremendous favor. It comes back to us ten-fold or more. This could not have been more true than during last night.

This fabulous group of folks is so very eager to prosper the tiniest of patients and the families around them. We've got several upcoming events now and the energy of this tiny, but powerful group just amazes me. They step up, step out, and stand out! I am excited about our new projects and where we are headed. It will be busy and crazy and insane, but that sort of calamity is what I thrive on. It's what keeps me focused on doing the right things for the right people. Instead of . . . as previously mentioned . . . being dragged into the mire with the other Godless souls who find their happiness in the emotional kicking and beating of others. Shame on you!

I have no time for that nonsense. I am re-focused and re-energized on a much better objective. I cannot wait to see where all this positive energy brings me, brings us, and brings to All Children's Hospital!

Shift gears, folks. The change of pace is most liberating!


  1. Glad to hear your shifting gears.You are my positive inspiration most days. I depend on you to keep me positive. Hope thats not too much pressure on you, but its true.

  2. Tracy - I enjoy the pressure and the challenge. Your smile radiates accolade enough for me! xoxo
