Monday, May 7, 2012

'Closer to God' kind of day!

There are days that just kind of eclipse any issues, any worries, any frustrations, or problems in your life. I find most of those days, for me, revolve around nature or my 'closer to God' days!

Whenever I am ocean/sea-side, I can literally feel tensions slipping away. There is something about the water lapping up to greet me, the sun warming me, a tender breeze caressing the stress right out of my bones that makes me truly appreciate all the beauty that God has supplied for us to enjoy.

Or perhaps, when we visited Wyoming last year. WOW! The vistas, the wildlife, the sheer beauty of the area was almost overwhelming. Almost a whole week of just having to pick my jaw up off the ground time and time and time again. It was utterly outstanding!

Playing in the islands on my honeymoon was other-worldly. All the colors of the water, the wild flowers, the iguanas, and foliage. Stunning.

Germany after I graduated high school. The Black Forest was an experience unlike any other ~ fairy-tale worthy for sure!

Driving from DC back to Florida, you will find some incredible joys that God placed around for our enjoyment.  Waterfalls, archways, plateaus, and more. Chattanooga, TN and the mountains and landmarks throughout my own glorious New York state.

And, 'gravy' as my brother so aptly put it, was yesterday's boating trip. To be so close to the water, all the beautiful creatures God put nearby, and to share it all with my best friend . . . it is just bliss! I wish you all a 'closer to God' sort of day . . . every day! Take in the beauty that surrounds you. Absorb it. Appreciate it. Enjoy!

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