Friday, May 18, 2012


Sometimes, I frighten myself! Very early yesterday morning I wrote urging that you find a way to spend the day with your Angels. Well . . . whether my writing is subliminal hopes for myself or God just likes to smile on me; that is EXACTLY what I did yesterday!

After a long drive and a lengthy meeting, at which I was feeling a little defeated and subdued, I got good news. What I thought might be the end of something I was in charge of, has enough long-time members that it doesn't need to EVER end! Yay! So, we may need to start over and take smaller steps, but it will not wither away on my watch. I was simply ecstatic!

After the meeting, I spoke to some folks about a fundraising opportunity and, although I was tentative about approaching them, it was so eagerly received I was almost literally in shock. It was a beautiful thing and I'm certain I will be talking more about that down the road!

And then . . . the proverbial cherry atop the hot fudge and whipped cream . . . I went upstairs and met with two friends who have become more family than some of my family. What warmth! What comfort! What safety I feel  within their company! They are just genuine, sincere, forthright folks who do amazing work for other people for a bigger cause and I couldn't be more on the same plane if we were fused together. What a cleansing and beautiful afternoon to simply be around them.

Then, as if dessert were not enough, I went and visited with my beautiful daughter for a few moments. She's just a stunning person ~ beautiful on the outside AND the inside. Thanks for taking the time for your old mom, pumpkin!

Oh yes . . . I was with my Angels! Thank you, God, for reminding me that I need to listen to myself every now and again. Thank you! And thank you too . . . to all my Angels!!!


  1. You're the angel here, my friend...
    Ann @ ACH

    1. More love and hugs and 'quiches' (as you always say) to you than you could know! xoxo
