Monday, May 21, 2012


Rejuvenate! Reboot! Renew!

Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.
~ Dale E. Turner

I have a sister-in-law who has been an office manager for eons. While approaching 50, she decided she wanted to become a nurse. Without hesitation, she put her head down and plowed her way through schooling and is now a full-fledged nurse. I so admire her determination and tenacity.

I had always been writing; stories, poetry, and more. Not until my son got ill, did my writing have a serious purpose, and I pursued being published. Now, I have two children's books and several published poems. There was a need and I focused on it and attained that goal.

My mom was a constant dreamer. I guess that's where I learned it ~ and came to love it! She had five kids to feed. She couldn't go to work. How could she mother her kids. So . . . in our house she began her own newspaper. When that slacked off, she and her mother made plaques and we all sold them at the fair in addition to running a game-booth with a game she and the boys built. When she remarried, she started her own graphics business and then her own very popular band and then her own gambling business. She was constantly dreaming and reinventing herself! Amazing!!!

My point is that, as stated above, 'no matter our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us'. You can do whatever you want to do. You can become whatever you'd like to become. You can achieve most any goal if you only take that first step.

Believe in yourself and ALL you are capable of.


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