Monday, May 28, 2012

Thank you!

Commemorating the fallen.

Countless, scoreless, innumerable heroes who have given selflessly of their time, their efforts, and ultimately their lives so that we may have our rights and our freedoms in tact. How do you appropriately thank them? Flags at half staff provide respect. Names etched in marble provide honor. A day set aside specifically for them provides very little in reconciliation.

I think the most profound way in which to thank our fallen soldiers is to truly, warmly, and sincerely embrace all those servicemen and women who are currently serving. Whether you believe in whatever battles they are fighting or not, they are there and they are fighting for you and your rights and your freedoms and the protection and preservation of those rights and those freedoms. They run toward the chaos when most would run away. They fight an enemy we don't fathom. The protect us from things we don't even know we need protection from. They are a unique class of human beings who are wired differently.

And thank God they are!

Thank you to Salvatore, Alfred, Calvin, Alfonso, Billy, Jimmy, Skip, Nick, Danny, Todd, Kane, Rachel, and the multitudes who have taken up arms for my sake, for your sake, for the United States of America!

Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. God Bless those who are willing to serve our country. They volunteer to do so. God Bless America--we have freedoms no other country possesses. May we never take it for granted and always honor the Lord God Almighty and Jesus, His Son and His Spirit! We are His creation. Jesus said love the Lord God with ALL your heart, soul and mind and love one another! May the men and women who served and died so we could have the freedoms we possess be honored in a beautiful way today. Choose to be kind to one another this day and celebrate sensibly!!! God Bless America!!!!!
