Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Rhythm of Time

The hands of time do not ever go backward. They fervently and perpetually push us forward, whether we go happily and eagerly along, or are dragged kicking and screaming into whatever next unknown phase awaits us. Looking back is an amusing sight . . .

As children, we have no concept of time. We play til we're exhausted and sleep til we're rested. We laugh. We cry. We do not contemplate who we will encounter tomorrow or what injuries might await us next on the playground. We simply enjoy!

As adolescents, we seem to constantly be trying to push those hands of time faster and faster. We want to be 'legal', we want to go out, we want to move out, we want to go grab life by the horns and ride it til we can't hang on any more.

As young adults, we realize that time is 'of the essence'. The horn-held wild ride of life seems, perhaps, a little too swift and we'd like to slow it down just a tad to ensure we achieve our goals. The repetitive work all week to slosh away the weekends gets a little stale.

As family people, we realize the value of time; that you'll never get today back. We don't want our babies to grow up and we don't want our parents to grow old. We want those hands of time to stop altogether so we can enjoy the splendor of our children's laughter and the joy of our parent's company. Time is fleeting and we want, terribly, to lasso it and tie it up.

As age sets in and time wears creases around our eyes and weaves gray into our hair; we realize the value of time. We cherish every second. We watch as our children run off to try to push the clocks ahead. We sit by as time engulfs our parents and whisks them off to better places. And we are left . . . alone . . . listening to the ticking of the seconds, and the minutes, and the hours.

And we could be sad, but I choose to simply find the rhythm in that ticking and realize that my world is full of music! When times are stressful, its just a faster song I'm dancing to. And when times are easy and peaceful, I am held in hubby's arms and we are taking to the dance floor of life for another tune.

Time is what you make it. Enjoy the rhythm!