Monday, May 14, 2012

Let's get to fixin'

It kind of saddens me that we have grown into a society of replacements.

We've replaced the dinner table with a coffee table. We've replaced conversations with text messages and emails. We've replaced visits with skypes. We've replaced actual confrontations and communication with false bravado and quick thumbs. We've lost a personal connection and replaced it with 'technological advancements'.

We've replaced consoling our children through failures with telling them absolutely everything they do is about as amazing as it could ever be. We've replaced a firm spanking with a 'go to your room' (which is filled with video games, computers, cell phones, and ipods). We've replaced earning the things kids want with simply offering whatever they choose. We've replaced setting standards and morals with allowing Jersey Shore or some Housewife somewhere to do it for us. We've replaced goal setting with bribing.

We've replaced hard work with get rich quick. We've replaced work ethic with the choice to not go if you have a headache. We've replaced dedication and perseverance with job hopping in search of the elusive golden apple. We've replaced grit and tenacity with want and entitlement.

What have we done?
I know that this is not true in EVERY case. It is true in a vast majority . . . and it is sad.
Sometimes, it is better to fix things than to simply replace them. I hope we start fixing things soon!

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