Friday, May 25, 2012

Enjoy your wealth!

A dear and wonderful friend, from some thirty years ago, is having a birthday today. She posted on FB that:

I especially love FB on my birthday! I feel very special & loved!

And that, my friends, is life in a nutshell!!!

What else does anyone really want or need out of life? We simply want to be special and to be loved. You can have millions of dollars and be miserable. You can have all the newest and greatest gadgets and still be so very isolated and lonely. You can possess a great many things, but if they aren't friends and people who care about you and love you . . . you truly have nothing!

Lisa, you hit the proverbial nail on the head this morning and zeroed in on what could be the very secret of life. When we are very sad and distraught, what do we look for? Support from friends and family. When we have thrilling and exciting news, what do we want to do? Share it with friends and family. When we see something extraordinary, what is our mission? We want to give it and pass it on to our friends and family, so they too can admire and enjoy it. When we struggle with difficult choices, to whom do we turn for guidance? You got it! Our friends and family!

If you have a solid group of core folks who will always be by your side, stand firmly with you in times of trouble, lift you up in times of hardship, celebrate with you in times of joy, share the wonders of everything that surrounds you, and keep you grounded while pushing you forward, then you are the richest person on the planet!

Enjoy your wealth! It is the most precious sort on earth!

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