Friday, December 7, 2012

Crocodile or not

Today, I am thankful for tears!

Tears come for all sorts of reasons.

The obvious reason like when you stub your toe in the middle of the night and whilst hopping around you fall over your dog. Yup . . . that'll do it!

The pain of loss - a loved one, a pet, a friend, a job, or your trust.

Misunderstandings - which are one of the worst, because this is completely avoidable!

Chick-flicks - these sometimes will even drag the old salt sacks from the manliest of men!

Hallmark commercials - tugging the old heartstrings all the time. (Or is that just me?)

And then . . . there are happy tears, too!

Jubilation - the proposal, big news, and births!

Pride - when, perhaps, your children exceed your expectations. I've cried many of those!

Admiration - in the realm of respecting veterans and things of that nature.

Love - when the power of a simple sentiment so overwhelms you, that you are moved to leak!

Tears are cleansing and empowering all at the same time. They do not show weakness or lack of character. Quite the opposite. They show strength in one's ability to emit emotion and the fortitude to truly be who you are!

My name is Lynette Carol Rider Marinello and I am a crier! There is no twelve-step program for recovery. I don't WANT to recover. I enjoy having a heart and emotion and a soul. I expose them freely. I cry over silly things and meaningful things.

I cry because I care!

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