Wednesday, December 5, 2012


As I laid in bed this morning, I was hoping for a little inspiration for my daily blog. It was then that my hubby reached over, I thought he was sleeping, and grabbed my hand. With fingers intertwined, he said, "I like when you're here."

OK . . . so . . .

I am thankful for hands!

There are working hands . . . those that get dirty and grimy and calloused and gnarled. Those hands that know they've put in a hard day's work and have not been idle.

There are shaking hands . . . the good, sturdy, manly handshakes! Not those dead fish, girly soft handshakes. I'm talking about the ones that convey your word, your ability, and your service.

There are talented hands . . . those hands that work magic with a paint brush, a keyboard, an instrument, a camera, a blank canvas. The hands that create meaningful beauty to share with others.

There are emotional hands . . . the hands that are used to ooze the emotions of the heart. The writer's hands, the poet's hands, the screen writer's hands, the lyricist's hands.

There are caring hands . . . those hands that belong to those gifted angels we call nurses and doctors and caregivers. The hands that work the miracles of health and healing.

There are the loving hands . . . the hands of the parent. The hands that cradle the infant, coddle the toddler, encourage the child, guide the adolescent, support the young adult, and are a constant in the lives of their child.

There are the praying hands . . . the hands that have learned to let go of the steering wheel and leave it to a higher source. The hands that are strong enough to ask for help, to implore proper guidance, and a servant's humbleness.

There are helping hands . . . those hands that disregard their own wants and desires and do the right thing by others. They offer themselves without hesitation. They exist to provide for others.

And there are the holding hands . . . like this morning! The hands that convey the words that need not be spoken. The intertwining of fingers that symbolize the intertwining of so very much more.

I am thankful for all those hands!

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