Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thankful for Generosity

I write almost daily about the positive effects of what your good deeds have in the world. I urge you constantly to pay your blessings forward. I ask you to think about those less fortunate and to do what you are able to do to assist them. No deed is too small. No effort is too trivial.

Last night, I was humbled beyond words to be the recipient of all those things.

I was invited to a holiday party hosted by the North Pinellas Regional Chamber of Commerce at Basque Restaurant on US 19 in Clearwater. The venue was beautiful, the food was absolutely scrumptious, the folks were a wonderful bunch. The part that truly tugged the old heart strings was that the only entry fee to the party, was a toy donation for the children of All Children's Hospital.

Jane and Barbara were my cohorts. Hubby came, even though he was not feeling well, and I spent the evening with old friends and making new friends. And the toy pile grew.

I had to speak (NOT my favorite thing to do) about what we, as the All Children's Hospital Guild North Pinellas Branch, do for the hospital. I spoke of my experience there with my own children. It brings tears to my eyes to recall the years we spent back and forth to this amazing facility. And the toy pile grew.

There were raffles and auctions and a 50/50 and decadently delectable desserts and more friends to meet. And the toy pile grew.

At the end of the evening, the hospital was blessed with my Pathfinder stuffed to the gills with toys for children at the hospital. The Guild Branch also received a little over $400 in auction funds. There are more toys to pick up today from a poor soul who was caught at work at couldn't make it last night.

I am in awe of the generosity of every day folks . . . the angels I encountered last night. I heard several stories of families who had been positively effected by All Children's Hospital. It was an incredibly inspiring evening and having been on the receiving end of the pay-it-forward system, I will be touting its benefits all the more.

Thank you SO much to all of you, for your kindness, your generosity, your support, and your friendship. You are a blessing!

Thank You!

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