Friday, December 21, 2012

Thankful for My Angel

As I was busily trying to accomplish all of my tasks on yesterday's to-do list, I found myself massively missing my mom. Oh how I wish she were here for Christmas. How I wish I could sing a carol with her, play a duet on the piano with her, go shopping with her, play scrabble or boggle with her, or just simply sit beside her and enjoy her wonderful company again.

I ran around in circles, like I always do. I had to pick up a charity check for the hospital. I came home to find a wonderful friend in the driveway with more toys to mash in my truck to take to the hospital. I called my daughter to make sure she was going to attend the hospital holiday function with me. She confirmed and asked if her beau could also come. The more the merrier, and I got changed to head to St. Pete. I listened and hummed and sang along to the Christmas songs - sometimes melody and sometimes harmony. I got to my daughter's apartment and out came Chris Kringle. Her beau is growing a little beard and with longer hair, his blonde mop has turned a strawberry tinted color and he looks just like Chris Kringle on the BurgerMeister Meisterberger version. We went to the event and saw a few friends, went upstairs and visited with our absolute favorite media folks, and then went to the hospital to unload an entire giant bin (six feet tall by three to four feet wide) of toys for kids at All Children's Hospital. We visited some parts of the hospital and then I took my daughter and Chris . . . um, er, I mean Nick home. Then I started my forty minute trek home.

As I was driving, buoyed by the events of the afternoon and the good that we had done, it dawned on me ~ because I'm just a little thick-headed ~ that my Christmas wish was right in front of me the whole day.

A $300 donation check, a truckload of gifts for sick kids and their families, friends and family, Christmas carols, and nothing but good stuff going on. Of course my mom is here!

What other Angel could summon up all those wonderful things to put in my day? What other Angel would watch over me and have me occasionally take the harmony part? What other Angel guides me along a path that is adorned with the most abundant blessings of great friends and incredible family and wonderful people and events? The Angel who has ALWAYS watched over me!


Love you. Miss you. Thanks for being with me.

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