Friday, December 28, 2012

Thankful for my glasses . . .

Today I am thankful for what some call my 'rose-colored' glasses.

I have been exposed to some seriously nasty things. I have seen my share and then some of horrific tragedies . . . 9/11, Columbine, liars, Newtown, floods, cheaters, hurricanes, Susan Smith, storms, sick children, abuse in many forms, pain, neglect, death. I have felt EACH incident at the core of my being.

I have also seen birth, life, joy, celebration, happiness, dreams come true, health, and miracles.

I honestly think that most of the above is true for most individuals. It is what you do to process those things and move forward that create YOUR world.

Some folks may think I see the world through rose-colored glasses. I choose to believe I see what is good and right and blessed in the world. There will ALWAYS be evil. There will always be those who cheat, rob, steal, lie, kill, abuse, bully, and demean. You cannot avoid them. You simply move beyond them and love what is left.

I can recall spending nights in the hospital with my son while listening to parents wailing as their child leaves this world for the next. Those sounds will never leave me. They will haunt my eardrums for eternity. But I have also seen the miracles of healthy children who survive the unthinkable and go on to lead fabulously fulfilling lives. I choose to focus on those miracles while using that spark of pain to push me forward to make the world a little better. However I am able!

Today, I urge you to change your spectacles. Yes, the world is full of hurt. It is also full of the overcoming of it. Change your view point and the world is a whole new place.

Come and see what I see . . .

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