Friday, December 14, 2012


Today is National Believe Day!

Oh boy! One of my favorites!

I believe!

I believe in treating people with respect. I believe in encouraging others. I believe in making a difference. I believe in paying it forward. I believe in caring and sharing. I believe in wishes and dreams. I believe in self respect and self reliance. I believe in stopping harmful cycles and creating a warm and cozy home. I believe in health and happiness. I believe that wealth does not always come in the form of paper bills and pocket change. I believe that some friends make the best family members. I believe that the children really are our future. I believe that life is precious. I believe that sometimes the cause is worth the fight - so fight like hell! I believe we have within us the strength, the fortitude, and the opportunity to make ourselves and our world better. I believe in love! I believe in forgiveness, not necessarily forgetting. I believe my spouse is my best friend and hope yours is too. I believe my mother hears me and watches over me every day! I believe my children are two of the most amazing people on this planet. I believe in honesty and sincerity. I believe that liars are sad people. I believe that miracles happen every day!

I believe God is an awesome God!

I believe I'll wish you a Merry Christmas and wish, for you also, the joy and peace that this season is meant to bring.

I am thankful for all the things I believe in.
I am thankful for you!

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