Monday, December 24, 2012

Traditional Thanks!

I am thankful today for traditions! Those timeless wonders that pass from generation to generation or the loving silliness that starts and doesn't end! It's all good and it's all magical!

When I was younger, Christmas Eve was a time for the children to go to bed while the parents went to midnight mass. We'd trudge our way upstairs knowing that once that living room door was shut, there was no going back.

We'd wake up super early on Christmas day and the excitement was palpable! Only issue was that the house rule was you could not open that living room door until everyone in the house was awake. That really didn't take too long with seven kids! Still, the only trace of Christmas was the stocking on that dadgum living room door. Family breakfast was a must prior to going into the living room. We were allowed to open our stockings, but until breakfast was done . . . the door remained closed. What a thrill every year when we were finally able to plow our way in there to see what Santa had left!

I remember one year when our grandmother gave us all some sort of fabric. The first person thought it was a towel and it was tossed aside like new socks. The second person said, "No, I think it is a table cloth," and laid it out on the coffee table. By the third person, we were laughing hysterically as each of us had to come up with a different use. There were turbins, capes, and all sorts of other silliness. Ahhhhh, I remember it well!

Now . . . with a family all my own . . . even though the kids are 19 and 21, they will be home tonight and Victor will sit with them on the couch and read The Night Before Christmas. They will then be forced to go to bed so Santa can visit. In the morning, maybe even a little more cruel than my upbringing as we have no living room door, they must wait until everyone is awake and family breakfast is consumed before touching any presents under the tree. Prior to breakfast, they can open the goodies in their stockings . . . almost always to include a Pez dispenser. Not sure when that started, or why, but I think they'd be lost without it!

After breakfast, we head into the living room and we take turns opening gifts ~ slowly and appreciatively! It is a day full of faith and festivities. I adore it! Just ask any of my 150+ Santas. They celebrate with me every year!

Today . . . share with me YOUR traditions and I hope they buoy your spirits and your holidays. Cherish them.

Be safe. Be well. Have a blessed Christmas Eve. Enjoy it all!

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