Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Sound of Silence

Ah, yes! That is one of my favorite sounds! The sound of nothing . . . simple, pure silence! It's a beautiful thing!

I also adore lapping waves, morning birds chirping, crackling fires, music of just about every sort, baby's cooing, and children's laughter.

I cherish the car alarm beeping so I know my son is home.

I love the song my phone plays telling me my daughter is calling.

I love the rhythmic sounds of my husband's breathing as he lays sleeping beside me.

I'm not so much a fan of the dadgum chickens that live across the street.

Enjoy the sounds around you. If you indulge for just a moment, you will find yourself relaxing and enjoying life and what thrives within it, just a little bit more!


  1. I wouldn't know how to act without the chaos that is life in my house.

    1. I enjoy that same chaos . . . but cherish the serenity as well! ;-) xoxo
