Saturday, November 5, 2011

Be an architect

We are all here for some special reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future.
~ Robin Sharma

We are all builders of one sort or another. Some of us sculpt lives by teaching. Some of us sculpt minds by counseling. Some of us sculpt futures with our careers. But we each have the tools to create. We each have some task to perform to build a better world.

Many times, we condemn ourselves by our failures or our mistakes. The only person able to take away your self esteem and determination, is you. Do not allow what should be the stepping stones of your life, to alter your purpose. I have a friend who has within him the ability to move the masses with his oratory and preaching prowess. When I say 'move,' I mean emotionally AND physically. It's amazing!Sadly, though, life threw him several curve balls and, no doubt, he tried to steal a few bases too. The choices he made after those humps and hurdles led to a lot of finger-pointing and blaming of others. It's a sad, sad thing to realize he's lost his way. We've drifted apart a bit, but I hope he finds the strength he needs to build himself a new and better world. He deserves it.

Have another friend who lost his job and with it, the wind in his sails. He was certain that he was doing what he should be doing. In his misery, he realized he has a serious illness and this hiatus allowed him time to deal with it and get things under control. He has also found, with this personal battle, a renewed strength and vitality to begin again. HE is the architect I admire. The one who rises above the ashes to find a new and better opportunity. The phoenix!

Today, I hope you find a new building material. Start building something amazing out of yourself. The past lies far behind you. There's no reason for visiting it, wallowing in it, or allowing it to consume you. Become the architect of a new you!

1 comment:

  1. Words of encouragement could not have come at a better time as I feel the battle of life and realize the past is the past and moving forward is the only thing to do which is always in front of us. Thank YOU for being you! You bring tears and a smile to my face.
