Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Take pictures . . .

"Take pictures, leave only footprints." Not sure where this little tidbit came from, but it stems from the necessity to not litter or destroy the beauty of nature. I think, though, there is much more to be pulled out of this tiny little phrase.

'Take pictures' . . .
Memories are the pictures of our lives. I think we must cherish the fabulous times in our lives. Family, friends, accomplishments, good deeds, and positive impacts we have made. These mental snapshots create a scrapbook that no one can destroy, alter, or take from you. Friends and family that are pulled away too soon linger on as vividly as you choose for them to. Victories are savored and relived abundantly; as they should be. Achievements and goals we meet should be occasionally taken down and dusted off to remind us of our hard work and dedication. 'Take pictures' of all those glorious parts of your earthly inhabitance.

'Leave only footprints' . . .
We create, in our wake, an intangible tapestry of our lives. We touch lives. We heal hearts. We hug, we hold, we mend, we cheer, we rally, we advocate. We cry, we fight, we laugh, we scream, we dance, we celebrate. We joyfully and almost unknowingly create all those things from the 'Take Pictures' portion for other people. You don't need to leave behind buildings or streets with your name on the placards. You don't need to leave piles of vast fortunes and amassed wealth. To leave behind the footprint of who you are is a beautiful and privileged opportunity for each one of us. Glory and accolades don't make your footprint any deeper. It is the number of paths your footprints cross that make the memories!

Today, my friends, 'Take pictures, leave only footprints'.

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