Thursday, November 17, 2011

Buck the trend!

I just read someone's post on Facebook this morning about how he has come to enjoy the "recent trend" of people being positive and nice in their postings. Something along those lines. And I praise you for realizing the difference, my friend!

For EVER I have been talking about the strength of words. When your energy has failed, your muscles ache, your stamina has been completely drained . . . you will ALWAYS have control and command over your mouth!

A kind word, a pleasant "Good Afternoon!," or maybe, "Isn't that a great color on you?" can just do wonders for another human being. What is so very interesting, though, is the benefits it holds for you! Your actions and speech toward another human being begins, as I have reiterated in the past, a ripple effect. You will probably never know its end result, but you should be thrilled in knowing that something wonderful started with a simple, effortless, kind, and gentle word! That knowledge plants a seed within you to do it again, to feel that same euphoric, genuine happiness again.

When you're frazzled . . . and let's face it, we've all been there . . . it's easy to snap at people. Is it their fault your car didn't start, bills aren't paid, bad hair day, or whatever might have set you off? Most likely . . . no! So don't take it out on a stranger; when, undoubtedly they may be facing the same insanity you are. Instead, buck the trend! Do something different. Throw the universe off kilter. Say something NICE!!!

The power of the human voice is 100 times stronger than any muscle you possess! Wield it wisely, my friend!

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