Saturday, November 26, 2011

I wish . . .

Let loose the merriment!

Thanksgiving and Christmas are my favorite times of the year. I drive my family nuts playing Christmas music in the car, in the house, and generally just humming or singing Christmas tunes non-stop. I have a plethora of collected Santas and Angels that greet visitors throughout my home along with always trying to keep the house smelling festive by cooking or baking. And, when the true meaning of Christmas finds its way into your house and home, not a thing in the world can squelch the joy!

I enjoy finding those perfect presents for friends and family. I adore writing out the Christmas cards, although Lenny always beats me to the punch!  xoxo  Putting up the outside lights is always a laugh riot as, although I'm not really allowed to climb on the roof, I sometimes do or help hubby as he strings a few expletives along with the twinkling strands! There is just abounding laughter and that truly makes my heart happy!

There are rituals my family follows. My brothers will remember this one:  You can only empty stockings before eating breakfast, which needs to be a family meal, and then ~ and only then ~ can you meander under the tree. Hubby reads the kids "Twas the Night Before Christmas" the night before Christmas. Not sure how that will work this year. Each present gets opened for everyone to see. None of this tearing everything open before you even know who it's from or before heading to the next one. It is a day to slow down, enjoy the day, enjoy each other, and truly marvel at the wonder of Christmas.

I am wishing you a happy holiday season. I hope you have friends and family nearby. I hope you create your own special activities and rituals. I hope you make merry memories to last a life time. I wish you Peace. I wish you Love. I wish you . . . Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas Lyn! Less than a month away now. We do the same with the gifts. Everyone has to slow down and open one gift at a time, although these days they are more checks than gifts for college. Here comes the merriment!
