Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Presence, Not Presents!

In unpacking my many crates, boxes and wrapped up Christmas decorations, as is the case every year, I am swept away by emotions and memories of where certain things came from and who gave them to me. It is sometimes bittersweet, but always festive. If those folks have gone too soon, I know that they'd never want me saddened by their presents, but festive with their presence!

There's a musical, full-moving carousel that my mom purchased for me many years ago. It's beautiful, big, and very loud! It makes me smile! There are beautiful porcelain nativity scenes that I earned while selling Christmas Around the World. They make me proud. There are Santas from years gone by from hubby and friends. Santas make my heart happy! Of course there is a "first Christmas" ornament that is out all the time that my brother gave me - and now no longer speaks to me. That one hurts my heart, but I know that somewhere in his soul he still loves and cares about me. There are Angels from friends and cute little Christmas trinkets from family too. It's just a holiday filled with warmth and love.

I hope that as you decorate for your holidays, it is not about being more festive that the house next door. It's not about how many lights, or how many decorations you can stuff on or in your house. It is about the meaning behind, perhaps, every one of them. Get lost in your own Winter Wonderland this year - even if it's 80 degrees. Enjoy the memories you've made; and look forward to the memories yet to be made. Treasure the presence, not the presents!

Much love now and always ~

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