Thursday, November 3, 2011

You CAN!

When you get to the end of your rope . . . tie a knot and swing!

So often, we try to control everything around us in the world. It really is kind of a futile activity. Sure, you can wake up early, shower, prep, and be out the door on time, but that doesn't mean that traffic isn't going to throw you a curve ball. You simply cannot control life.

Life happens. Good, bad, or indifferent, it just occurs. What you DO have control over is your reaction to life. When traffic is snarled, try a new route. You might find your new favorite store or restaurant on the way. One of my favorite sayings is, "When nothing is going right, turn left."

You CAN create a positive environment. You CAN delete and remove negative influences. You CAN sustain a happy life, no matter what the outside world seems to throw at you. You either, give it up in faith that God will guide you where you need to be, or . . . if you're not so very devout . . . you search for silver linings and golden opportunities. Apparently, we started a mantra a few years ago that has struck a chord and taken on a life of its own when we shared our daily choice philosophy of:  "You can be happy, or you can be crappy."

Bad hair day? Find a new, favorite stylist. Finances askew? Drop cable and take up evening strolls and family board game night. Health issues? Seek a second opinion, or take a good, long look at diet and wellness. Mean people? Point your shoes in another direction. There's so much you CAN do to alter what happens to you.

Today, I hope life IS treating you well. Should you run into a little resistance, take a detour. Travel safe and travel happy!

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