Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Thank You!

I know the masses are hurting and angry and hungry and unemployed. I know a lot of folks are unhappy and lost and miserable. I believe there are still things to be thankful for.

I am thankful I woke up this morning! I am grateful for another day to do something to make today and the world just a little bit better. I am thankful I saw my son sneak out the door on his way to college. It made my heart happy. I am thrilled that I'm getting a massage today. I am thankful for the folks I know, the friends I have, the family that still communicates with me, the pseudo-family that truly and sincerely cares about me, the memories I hold, the health I have, whatever wealth ~ monetary, emotional, or supportive ~ I can share, my persistence, determination, and tenacity, and more.

I am thankful for halloween pictures of little samurai's, pillow-stealing posts, impending visits, and rooftop ballerinas. These things make me smile. I am thankful for laughter and hugs and friendships.

I am thankful for my children . . . two of the most amazing people I know. They are smart, gorgeous, giving, persistent, and blessed. I am thankful for my husband, who knows everything there is to know about me . . . and loves me anyway. I am thankful for my gray-haired pooch, who makes every day interesting and believes he runs the house.

I am thankful for a tiny corner in my home which harbors the memories of those who have left his world too soon: Poppa, Grandpa, Sal, Pop, Alfred, Irma, Charlie, Julia, and Momma. I miss you, but know you watch over me and I am thankful for that!

I am thankful for you allowing me to offer my opines and for you actually reading them. I thank you for your feedback and your fellowship. There are many things in my life that are not good, well, or healthy . . . but I choose to focus on being thankful for the many abundant riches that envelope me each day!

Thank You!

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