Saturday, November 19, 2011

The joy of cleaning . . .

Cleaning!   :-(

Does anyone ever get excited about cleaning? I sit and stare at my tornado-must-have-come-through house and know I have to straighten it up and clean, clean, clean. I know I'm going to need coffee, and lots of it, to begin this task. There is that weighted dread knowing that I will begin by cleaning off the dining room table, but will find something that goes somewhere else and see the mess there and begin cleaning that mess, only to find something that belongs in the dining room and be caught in the cleaning spiral of death. It never ends and you just find yourself walking around in circles.

Slowly, though, things find their home, order finds its place, and a strange serenity takes root. You could, almost literally, fall over from exhaustion, but the counter's clean, the table's clean, the laundry's done, the bathroom's are sparkly, the floor's are swept and vacuumed and . . . there is peace! And, in your exhaustion, you find a kernel of exhiliration and realize that if you can do that, you can do anything! There is a feeling of accomplishment and contentment. You pat yourself on the back and realize you've done a marvelous thing. What a fabulous feeling of freedom and finishing.

Until you realize it's Thanksgiving, you've got family coming over in two hours and you haven't even started cooking! Smile, friends. Today I'm feeling a little silly! Enjoy your day!

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