Monday, November 28, 2011

Generation Gap

There is definitely a generation gap in my family. Recently, I spoke to a brother of our fantastical Thanksgivings of long ago where it seemed there were hundreds of relatives and friends all coming together to feast and to just exist peacefully together. It seemed to be a magical time. He expressed his sadness that our children, because of fragmented sibling relations, would never experience such a gathering and a fellowship. It is truly a sad thing to realize that a "community" will be lost because we've have grown apart. I find it pitiful for our children. They deserve to live those magical moments, too.

And so, in a 'Billy Bots' moment, I sent out a mass text to all my nieces and nephews to join together at my home for next year's Thanksgiving. They are expected to bring spouses, housemates, children, and . . . should they be too young . . . they can even bring their parents. If their parents cannot seem to find some stable, common ground to stand on; maybe they will be encouraged to connect, stay in touch, and build their own relationships on their own terms and carry on and continue a tradition that seems to be fading. Wouldn't it be fantasmagorical if they chose to continue this tradition and met around the country at various cousin's houses for Thanksgivings? What a wonderful ripple I could start!

I can only hope that these young men and women are able to bridge the generation gap that others have caused. I apologize to you all if any of it stems from my actions or behavior. I am doing what I am able to fix and remedy the situation. So come oooooooooon down, or over, or up, or whatever and feast on delicious food, solidify family relations, and maybe your generation can help bridge the gap for us older folks!

And hopefully, this idea might spur some other folks to come up with a similar action. Bridge your generation gap.


  1. I live in that same world. I also announced that Thanksgiving is on me next year. I can only hope it will give our family the kick in the pants it needs.
