Monday, November 14, 2011

Be You!

Some folks were meant to do magnificent feats and achieve great things. Salk and the polio vaccine. Jarvik and the artificial heart. Parks and racial equality. And a host of other people who have been able to make strides in research, health care, race & sexual standards, etc.

What about the rest of us? Most think they are here for the race of rats; the daily grind; the task of getting from one weekend to the next. I beg to differ.

Every person reading this and the bazillions who are not, each have something to offer this vast expanse of humanity. Some write. Some sing. Some teach. Some speak. Some counsel. Some defend. Some dance. Some perform. Some paint. Some preach. Some are caregivers. Some raise families. Some enlighten. Some create. Some serve. Some protect. Some explore. Some honor.

Each of those tasks, as mundane or unimportant as they may seem at the time, have a ripple effect you cannot comprehend. One smile changes the entire day of the recipient, who will in turn help out someone in minor distress, who goes home thrilled with a stranger's generosity and tells the story which causes the audience to continue the trend. What you do makes a difference. What you offer can change lives. What you contain within you can change the world.

I'm sure that Salk and Jarvik and Parks, were every day folks who played games as children, and grew up as very normal folks for their historical eras. Their efforts and endeavors to make a difference ~ made the difference. You may be the next big news story. You may also continue to quietly, effectively, and beautifully change the world around you with your incredible value and worth and passion.

Be you! You matter. You make a difference.

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