Monday, November 7, 2011

Idle Hands

Maybe I misunderstood. My mother always taught me and certainly led by example that, "Idle hands are the devil's workshop." It might have been the continuous caffein intake, but she was forever busy with a project, new business venture, coming up with songs, or something creative. I believe that, more than anything else, she instilled and infused that into every child she had!

For those of you that know me well, you know I have an issue with saying "no" to folks that ask for my help. They will advise me, "Just say it with me:  N . . . O . . .". I tell them that's all fine and dandy, but there's always someone standing not too very far away with a rapid and demanding "W!" I really must learn to be a little more assertive.

My children are 18 and 20 years old. I am still eagerly and feverishly working on the 5th grade t-shirts at their elementary school each year. I do miscellaneous projects at their middle school and am supposed to be mentoring at both their middle and high schools. I am the president of the All Children's Hospital Guild North Pinellas Branch, and take every opportunity to advocate for the hospital and The Children's Dream Fund. I listen intently to folks and what talents and abilities they possess so that maybe I can later pair them up with projects or connections to mutually benefit them and either the hospital or Dream Fund. I am my hubby's secretary and do special tasks to help him be better and look better at his job. That's one of my favorites! I adore how the old grapevine works and will always send along worthwhile messages and purposes to others. And, now, I've got a seasonal gig to boot! Aaaaaaaaaaaaah, spare time . . . who needs it?

Seriously, though, I wouldn't have it any other way. I enjoy the season of giving; which for me . . . is every minute of every day. Why narrow it down to just a single portion of the year? If I've got the time, energy, money, or talent . . . it is yours for the taking. You need only ask for help! I will happily and joyfully give you whatever I've got. That is what my mommy taught me! I know she's watching and smiling and she wouldn't let me rest on the above paragraph's laurels. She'd ask me when my next children's book is coming out. Ha! I miss her prodding!

The devil has no workshop here!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you lyn you encourage us not so busy bees to get busy!
